DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-510- NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS A 3D SPATIAL CHANNEL MODEL FOR CELLULAR RADIO by Christos Sasiakos September 2000 Thesis Advisor: Ramakrishna Janaswamy Second Reader: Tri T. Ha Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved 0188 OMB No. 0704- Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE September 2000 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master's Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: A 3D Spatial Channel model for cellular radio. 6. AUTHOR(S) Christos Sasiakos 5. FUNDING NUMBERS 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING / MONITORTNG AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING / MONITORTNG AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This thesis provides closed form expressions for the angular distribution in azimuth and elevation planes for a geometrically based single bounce spheroid model. The geometry of the spheroid is defined by the semi-major axis a and the semi-minor axis b. The other parameter of interest in the model is the distance D between the base station and the mobile station. The latter is assumed to be at the center of the spheroid. The mobile station is assumed to be the transmitter, while the base station is the receiver. This thesis investigates the effects of the above parameters on the angular distribution of the received waves. Important parameters such as the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth and elevation plane are calculated from the p.d.f. expressions derived. The behaviour of these r.m.s angle spreads versus the ratio a/D or b/D respectively is also investigated. 14. SUBJECT TERMS Spatial channel Model, Joint TOA/AOA pdf. Azimuth Plane. AOA Marginal pdf in Elevation Plane, r.m.s angle spread AOA Marginal pdf in 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 68 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSD7ICATION OF REPORT Unclassified 18. SECURITY CLASSD7ICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT Unclassified 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 11 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited A 3D SPATIAL CHANNEL MODEL FOR CELLULAR RADIO Christos Sasiakos Lieutenant, Hellenic Navy B.S.E.E. , Hellenic Naval Academy, 1988 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Septemtfepzt DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 ABSTRACT This thesis provides closed form expressions for the angular distribution in azimuth and elevation planes for a geometrically based single bounce spheroid model. The geometry of the spheroid is defined by the semi-major axis a and the semi-minor axis b. The other parameter of interest in the model is the distance D between the base station and the mobile station. The latter is assumed to be at the center of the spheroid. The mobile station is assumed to be the transmitter, while the base station is the receiver. This thesis investigates the effects of the above parameters on the angular distribution of the received waves. Important parameters such as the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth and elevation plane are calculated from the p.d.f. expressions derived. The behaviour of these r.m.s angle spreads versus the ratio a/D or b/D respectively is also investigated. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK VI TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. BACKGROUND 1 B. OBJECTIVE 9 II. PROBLEM FORMULATION 11 A. INTRODUCTION 11 B. DERIVATION OF THE JOINT TOA/AOA P.D.F.S 13 C. DERIVATION OF MARGINAL AOA PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION 17 D. MARGINAL AOA P.D.F IN AZIMUTH PLANE FOR THE SPHEROID SPATIAL CHANNEL MODEL 19 E. MARGINAL AOA P.D.F IN AZIMUTH PLANE FOR THE SPECIAL CASE OF THE SEMI-MINOR AXIS OF THE SPHEROID GOING ZERO 25 F. DERIVATION OF MARGINAL AOA P.D.F IN AZIMUTH PLANE THROUGH A SECOND APPROACH 26 G. MARGINAL AOA P.D.F IN ELEVATION PLANE FOR THE SPHEROID SPATIAL CHANNEL MODEL 29 III. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 33 A. PLOTS FOR MARGINAL AOA PDF IN AZIMUTH PLANE 33 B. PLOTS FOR MARGINAL AOA PDF IN ELEVATION PLANE 37 IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 45 A. CONCLUSIONS 45 B. RECOMMENDATIONS 46 vii LIST OF REFERENCES 47 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 49 Vlll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This thesis provides closed forms which describe the statistics of the angular distribution in azimuth and elevation planes for geometrically based single bounce spheroid model. This spatial model can be generated by revolving an ellipse, which lies on the xz plane of a 3D Cartesian coordinate system, about the x-axis. This ellipse has semi-major axis a and semi-minor axis b, respectively. The base and the mobile stations are located in the xy plane with the mobile station being at the center of the spheroid and the base station at the origin of the coordinate system. It is assumed that the mobile station is transmitting and the base station is receiving. The base and mobile stations are separated by a distance D. The scattering spheroid model is applicable to a macrocell environment in which the received multipath signals at the base station are originated after a scattering from the surrounding environment about the mobile station. Assuming that the scatterers are uniformly distributed with a constant scatterer density function in the volume V as defined by the geometry of the spheroid, we derive the marginal angle of arrival (AOA) probability density functions (p.d.f)- in the azimuth and elevation plane. Using the derived closed forms for both p.d.f.s we generate plots to examine how the parameters a, b and D affect the angular distribution of the received waves. From the marginal AOA p.d.f. in the azimuth plane we conclude that: i\ 1. The higher the ratio a/D, the lower the probability for the received multipath signals at the base station to be confined to a small angular region centered about the axis which connects the base and the mobile stations. 2. The angular distribution in the azimuth plane is independent of the length of the vertical dimension b of the spheroid . 3. Comparing the results of the spheroid model for small values of b with those of the circular scattering model presented in [Ref. 3], it was observed that there exists a significant difference between them. Additionally, the effect of the a/D ratio on the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth plane is discussed. From the plot results of the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth plane versus a/D, we conclude that for values of a/D up to 0.5, there exists a linear relation. However, for higher values of a/D, the relationship changes to a nonlinear curve with a positive gradient. Regarding the marginal AOA p.d.f. in the elevation plane, the following conclusions were drawn from the plots: 1. Similar to the p.d.f in the azimuth plane, the higher the ratio b/D the lower the probability for the received multipath components at the base station to be restricted in a small angular spread around the axis, which connects the base and the mobile stations. 2. The r.m.s angle spread which also depends on the semi major axis a, has a linear dependence with respect to the b/D ratio. AKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Prof. R.Janaswamy for his support and his guidance through every step of this thesis, my wife, Maria, for all her patience, and understanding. XI THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK xn I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND The outdoor radio environment contains a large number of obstacles, such as buildings, cars, hills, etc, which obstruct, reflect and scatter the wireless radio signals. As a result, the transmitted signal arrives at the mobile station or at the base station from many different angles and times of arrival; this is known as multipath. Another common phenomenon in cellular systems is the co-channel interference, and it is created because in a certain geographic region(cluster) there are other subregions(cells) that utilize the same set of frequencies. Multipath fading and co-channel interference can increase significantly the bit error rate and they don't allow high bit rate data services in wireless communications systems. The presence of multipath and the motion of the receiver or the transmitter causes the received signal envelope to be time-varying and experience a Doppler shift that depends upon the angle of arrival of the incoming waves. Concepts such as angular spread, time delay spread, and Doppler spread have to be taken in consideration during a wireless communication system evaluation. In particular, they should be taken into consideration in the design of smart antennas used for diversity, beamforming and emitter localization applications. The multipath effect alone can be countered by applying antenna spatial diversity which implements an antenna array consisting of multi-elements. Spatial diversity is an arrangement whereby signals from multiple elements are combined to result in a signal that fades less rapidly than the individual element signals. Ideally this can be accomplished if received signals at the two elements are decorrelated. The degree of the decorrelation between the two received signals by the two elements can be expressed by the spatial cross-correlation coefficient which is a function of the joint p.d.f. f^e{b,0) , where ft represents the complementary angle of 0b in elevation plane. 11 Figure 6. The spheroid scatterer density geometry. The method for the derivation of the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f. and marginal AOA p.d.f. for both azimuth and elevation planes is based on the approach presented in [Ref. 3]. In the Figure 6, it is assumed that scatterers are distributed randomly in the volume V of the spheroid according to the spatial scatterer density function fxyz(x,y,z). It is further assumed that the waves arrive directly at the base station after undergoing scattering only 12 once from within the volume V. Multiple scattering of waves is not considered in this thesis. Before proceeding with the determination of the p.d.f.s in the azimuth and the elevation plane we would like to present the formulation for the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f and marginal AOA p.d.f in the general case. In section B we start with the derivation of the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f.. In section C, we show formulation for the marginal AOA p.d.f.s. In the following sections D through G we derive the marginal AOA p.d.f in azimuth and elevation plane for the spheroidal model. B. DERIVATION OF THE JOINT TOA/AOA P.D.F.'S Figure 7, shows a plane wave impinging on a base station after scattering from an obstacle, represented by a point 'S' in space with the ordered rectangular triples (x, y,z). 13 S,(x,y,z) Figure 7. The 3D used coordinate system. The scatterer probability density function fXjytZ (x, y, z) can be also expressed terms of spherical coordinates systems ( rb,(/)b,6b) as follows. The equations relating the spherical coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates are: -V? 1 9 + y" +z" (1) 6u = cos' V*2+j V"+Z" (2) 14 ^=tan"1(f) (3) x = rb sin 0b cos 0bA)=J(rb,b>0b)fx,yAx'y>z) x = rb sin 6b cos b Z = rb cos 6b (7) where j(rb,fo>0b)= Q-Mr-ttr = rb s™0b> o$b>@b) w^ respect to spherical coordinates: .2 • Ail (rb,fb,Ob) = rb sin0bf (rb sin 6^ cosb,rb cos0fe) (9) If we want to express the scatterer probability density function fr $ q Vb^b^b) with respect to (T,0b,0b), where T denotes the time delay of the multipath component, we have first to find the relationship between rb and the T. Applying the law of cosines to the triangle BS,S,MS we get the following equation: 15 rf = rg + D2 - 2rbDcosS (10) where the cos 8 is called the 'cosine direction' given by: cos S = sin6b cos(f)b . (11) The delay corresponding to the total path traveled by the wave is: r = -^p-= £ \rb +4^ + D2 + 2rbDsinOb cos^ ) (12) where 'c' is the speed of propagation of waves. Squaring both sides of the equation (12) and solving for rb gives: b 2{D sin 0b cos fo>0b] = drb dr 2(Dsin^cos0z,-rc)" ,* c\ D2c+r2c3 -2tc3D sin 6b cos Substituting the equation (15) into (14) we get for the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f. f (T a. a ,_ D2c+T2c3-2rc2Dsmdbcos0b f ( p2-T2c2 A n) (ifft Jr^eb Mb^b) ~ 2{Dsm9b.C0S) Using the last equation (16) and the equations (9) and (13) we can express the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f. / ' 0{T,(pb,&b) in terms of original scatterer probability density function fx v _(x, y,z) as follows: 16 (D2-r2c2)2(D2c+T2ci-2tc2Dsindbcos4>b) r , n n • n ( L> -T C ) (U C+T C -4ZC U Sin tfh COS«>j, 1 . / . „ . . _ . „ \ fz,0b ,eb (?,foA) = sin eb rTT— " a fx.y.z Vb sm 0* cos $, , rb sin ^ sm (pb , rb cos ^ ) • " o(i'sin&6 cos0j,-arj (IV) Note that the equation (17) expresses the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f. / Q [T,y>Z)=\ ■ (18) [0, otherwise If we consider this special case, the joint TOA/AOA p.d.f. / . Q [T,0b,0b) can be written: f (t 2-T2c2)2(D2c+T2c3-2TC2Dsm9bcosb) f.Q. Jr,b,0b) , and then either with respect to 0b\b) over the range 0b(b) or with respect b{0b) over the range (f)b (0b ) to ^ \0b ) depending on whether the marginal A.O.A p.d.f. is to be found in 17 azimuth or elevation plane respectively. The terms rb(0b,9b) and rb (0b,9b) are the lower and the upper limits of integration and depend on the azimuth angle b) in azimuth plane is given by: UMb)=i)A jfrb,M(rb,b,0b)drbd0b = fr] V^i I r„Mb^bl j* rb sin 9b fx,yyZ (rb sin 9b cos 0b , rb sin db sin (j>b , rb cos 9b ]drbdQb . (20) The marginal AOA p.d.f. fe \0b ) in elevation plane is given by: (A A) fe»^ = lyb) \frbAA^rb^bA)drbd(l)b = b , rb cos 9b )drb db ) in azimuth plane expressed as: /*(*») = £ jK(^,£)-r^,£)]cos£# (28) 20 D cos , (j)b = cons tan t ■J a2 - D2 sin2 b Figure 8. The intersected region R between a plane i . . «" - D" sin" b and the center located at Dcos(j)b . For a general angle /?, the straight line from the origin intersects the region R at two points r^ and r^ . At the two boundary points the roots >i and ru of the quadratic equation (26) in rb coincide. This happens when the discriminant of the quadratic equation is set to zero. Carrying this out, the upper limit /?max is given by: 21 Anax = tan -1 r b \g--D -sirr^ a V D2_fl2 (29) This equation is valid for b in the range of sin (- -g-J < ^ < sin Hjj. These correspond to the values of ^ that bound the spheroid in the xy-plane. Taking all of the above into consideration, the marginal AOA p.d.f. in azimuth plane is given by: Lift) f*W>) = W Jcos^^^J-^^^^^in'l-fj^^^sm-1^). (30) 0 The evaluation of the integral as defined in the equation (30) is straightforward. The following relations simplify some of the terms: = (^%f^-^(^>^X^(A.^ + r44(A,^(^f^) + ig(^>^)). (31) %{b,P)-\(b,P)=1fc (32) (33) (34) (35) Using equations (31) through (35) in equation (30) we get: Anax (& ) , . f*,Wb) = W ]{% -^K + Vb, + rb2Jcos fid/3 = o AnaxWfc) 3V J ^B2(/3)cos2^-4A(j3)C Ib2(/3)cos2 MP) \ A2(/3) C A(£) ^cosfidfi (36) 22 At a specific value of b when P = Pm2X the discriminant becomes A(A„ ) = 5: (^ ) cos2 ^ - 4A(#nax )C = 0 . Hence, wnting = [£2 (/?)cos2 A - 4 A(^)C] - [£2 (/?max )cos2 fa - 4A(/?max )C] , we see that A(^) = 4^2[a2(a2sin2^ + ^2cos2^)-D2a2sin2^-D2Z?2cos2^sin2^ - -4b2[a2[a2 sin2 0max +b2 cos2 J3max)-D2a2 sin2 jflmax -Z)V cos2 y#max sin2 ^ j, (37) which gives: A = 4Z72[sin2?mu-sin2^Ia2(D2-a2)+Z?2(a2-D2sin2^)]. (38) Using this the integral in equation (36) can be written as follows: r (± \ _ 160V cos2 0b^a-{Dl-a-yb2{a--Dz%m2$b) f cos3 /g-y/si^fl^-siir 0 ,g J ^max _ . ? o, /~~ 2~o 2 a r cos ^sin /?max -sin /? _ r cosy3(l-sin yg^sin /?max -sin yg J (a2sin2y3+62cos2y5)3 J (a2sin2/?+62cos2/?)3 On using the substitution t = sin (3 , and fmax = sin /?max the last integral becomes: "max _,, . i - f" •> _ '. 7 /» max /, -> \ /~t 7 J (ahm20+b2cos2/3)3 P~ J [^+(fl2_fe2^f 23 Hence the term 1— t can be written as follows: i-<2=-^l-«24242-62)2)J. Using this in equation (41) we get: 'max I ■> \ Hj 2 max H> 2 max /"^ 2* f '-rNU-r,f = ^ [ V^CL -df — -L- f 3fa± 2)rmaxSin2Qrj The last integrals described in the equations (43) (44) and (45) are evaluated using the formulas 2.563-1, 2.563-2, and 2.563-3 from [Ref. 5]. The marginal p.d.f. in azimuth is then given by: U(h)=lM-lM)- sin-'f-^ASsin-'fe) (46) . / \ ;rD2cos2^Va2(D2-a2K*2(a2-D2sin2^) (2a2-4b2)y2+Lb4-2a2b2}y-a2b4 ,A~, where lx [b ) = "— J ^ '- J ' ^ - ' (47) Y^y\a--b-j and IM„)= ^--^Mo^V-o2™-^ {,-?). (48, iV i]y{a--b-} 24 with y = a2 sin2 J3max +b2cos2j3T] E. MARGINAL AOA P.D.F IN AZIMUTH PLANE FOR THE SPECIAL CASE OF THE SEMI-MINOR AXIS OF THE SPHEROID GOING ZERO In this section we examine the special case of marginal AOA p.d.f., given by equation (46), for values of 6— »0. In order to evaluate the p.d.f. for this case the following simplifications are made on equations (47) and (48): y = a2 sin2 £raax +b2 cos2 ^max = b2 cos2 /?max (l + £ tan 2 /?max) where tan /?max is given by equation (29). Since b —» 0 the last equation can be ^2 2 expressed as follows: Y -,cos, • (49) D —a 1 2/2 2 1 The terms y-b and (y-b )\D -a J can be expressed as : y-b2 =b2a2-D*sm;*b >0md (y-b2)(D2 -a2)=b2(a 2-Z)2sin2^ J. (50) Plugging equations (47) and (48) to equation (46) the latter can be written as : I U)-I U )- £ MP2^2M«2-P2*"2ft) -(D2-a2)(r-^2)+^^[(3a2-4^2V2 + (4^-2flVV-«V (51) The term [3a2 -4b2 jy2 + \4b4 -2a2b jy-a2b4 — can be expressed as: \3a2 -4b2)y2 + (4b4 -2a2b2)y-a2b4}± = 3a2y-2a2b2 -a2^-4b2y + 4b4. (52) 25 The first three terms in the right side of equation (52) are second order terms, while the last two are fourth order terms with respect to b therefore can be neglected. Hence equation (52) reduces to: 3a2y-2a2b2 -a2^--4b2y + 4b4 =r4^ [D'-a' 3D2 cos2 i°2-°2{- D'-a- \D2-a2\ + -£=* D cos -> \ (53) Combining equations (49), (50) and (53) and taking also in consideration which terms are second or fourth order with respect to 'b', equation (51) can be written as follows: 'lk)-'2(A)s#fe& a2 +D2 sin2 ^ 3D' cos' 0 is given by: UM) = jjj{"2-D2™20b) sin^-fj^^^sin-1^). (56) F . DERIVATION OF MARGINAL AOA PDF IN AZIMUTH PLANE THROUGH A SECOND APPROACH As we have mentioned before the marginal AOA p.d.f in azimuth plane is given by the: f,hW = V J jrb2sm0drb0 = ±j \rbrb cos/3drbd/3. (57) 26 D cos Qh - a cos {n-a) Dcos(|> ya2 - D2 sin2 b+A cos a]dx2dy2 -AnaxM^) ° ° (59) The integral in equation (59) with respect to polar coordinate system A and a can be expressed as: f0b (0*) = v J J (D cos 0b + A cos otydMa ■ (60) ar=0 0 Taking in consideration that the term A cos a is equal to X2, since X2 is an odd function, equation (60) can be written as: /*to) = v J J(0cosft,+jc2)fctate = £ jJDcos0bAdAda (61) a=0 0 ^(^) where A0 (^ ) is the area of region R. Equation (61) is simplified as: f^0b) = iDcos0b jJAdAda = ^A^(0b) (62) A(&) where A^ ((/>b) = 7T — [a -D sin"^j. Substituting the above term in equation (62) we get for the marginal AOA p.d.f. in azimuth plane: 4W = ^M«2-fl2sm2<0 sm-(-f) 0 , is also true for all b. 2.X Finally, using the closed form expression for the p.d.f. we evaluate the r.m.s angular spread in closed form: rms = 2b=ir J k fe , /?) - i (b , /?)]cos 0d*b (66) ^ (P)=fnax ff(P)=& fK(0)-rfa>0)]p*&*>. \fe0u <67> 0 The maximum elevation angle /?M is obtained from the values that bound the spheroid in the xz-plane and can be found analytically from the equation (29) by setting the azimuth angle Qb equals to zero: ■_1' h ^ (68) /?M=tan-'(74=T). 29 Using the equations (31) through (35), the integral in equation (67) can be simplified as follows: fP(P)= w J* cos /% - \ K + \ \ + rl Vmax I — / \ 2cos/? f tJB- {p)cos-0b-4 A(/3)C (b2(/3)cos2 0b g_ U. ' 3V J A(0) \ AriP) A(fi)rrb 0 - I^f£ j WR^IC* • (69) 0 Substituting the functional forms of A{(3) , B{(3) and C from equation (26) we get: 2 4 3/5 "max i ff{p)=vlvZl°?\tfV J ™?h4B2{PWh-*KP)cdb- H 3(a sin p+» cos p) V J -^rfe^v / M^°s2fe-4A(/?)o% . (70) 3(<3 sin B+b cos p) V J 0 The upper limit for the azimuth angle 0max , for a fixed {3 , is the largest value of angle 0£ that bound the region R , which is generated by the intersection of the cone j3 = constant with the spheroid. In general, the intersection will include all the points rub -4A(/3)C under the square root. This is done applying the same approach as in previous section D. The discriminant, at a specific value of (3 becomes equals to zero when the azimuth angle (j)b coincides with the maximum value of b - 4A(/3)C] - [B2(/3)cos2 0max - 4A(j3)C] , becomes A((/>b)= \*D Vcos2 ficos2 b- (74> 3(a sin p+b cos p) V J The above two integrals may be rewritten as: 0max J 0 0max f COS 2 0fc V(sin 2 ^max ~ sin 2 ^ )<% = sin ^max / cos 2 h JO ~2T sin 2 ^ Wi ^5) _ . V Sln ^max rraax , -rmax i and b )db )<% . (76) _ _ V Sln ^max These integrals can be evaluated in terms of complete elliptical integrals first and second 31 kind. Indeed with the help of the formulas 2.595-1 and 2.592-2 of [Ref. 5], these integrals take the form: Tmax in0 cos"^. sin and max ^(smC(sin ^max ) (78) max 0 where AT(sin 0^ ) and £(sin 0max ) denote the complete elliptical integral of the first and second kind respectively [Ref. 5]. Substituting the results from the equations (77) and (78) into equation (74) we get the final expression for the marginal AOA p.d.f., in elevation fn\P) in a closed form as follows: fp(P) = 3L6 4 16D-Vcos4/? 6(a2sin2/?+62cos2/?)3V 1 + sin 2 0max )£(sin 0max ) - cos2 0max K(sin 0max ) 4Dfc4(p2-q2)cos2^ 3(a2 sin2 P+b2 cos2 /3)2V £:(sin^max)-cos2^max^(sin^max)J' \0\ ^ &M (79) ^D2-a~ with fiM = tan"1 T^-? , sin^ =ffi-(JJ^f and V =f ;za2£. 32 III. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Having derived closed form expressions for the marginal AOA p.d.f. in azimuth and elevation planes, we now present in this chapter some numerical results for each marginal AOA p.d.f.. Recall that D is the distance between transmitter and receiver, a is the semi-major axis of the spheroid, and b is the semi-minor-axis of the spheroid. A. PLOTS FOR MARGINAL AOA PDF IN AZIMUTH PLANE In this section we consider the cases of 'D', 'a' and 'b' as given in Table 2 and generate some plots: D(m) a(m) b(m) Corresponding Figure 1000 100 0.001 10 1000 100 50 11 1000 200 150 12 Table 2. Parameters of D, a and b used in plots for marginal AOA p.d.f. in the azimuth plane. Figure 10 has been plotted in order to check how the azimuth angular distributions of the spheroid and the circular scattering models are related to each other. The circular scattering model is presented in [Ref. 3]. The angular distribution for the circular model is given by equation (80): 33 f&M •3Dcos»VoW»-D2V,sin-l(-t)b 15 Figure 10. Plot of f^ [tfo) versus^ forD=1000m, a=100m and b=0.001m. Also shows the AOA p.d.f. for a circular spatial model for D=1000m and a=100m. In Figure 10, we plot the p.d.f. for a/D=0.l and b/D=W6. Comparing the plot of the spheroid model for small values of 'b' with this of the circular model, we can observe that there exists a significant difference between them. In Figures 1 1 and 12 we plot the p.d.f. for a/D=0.l, £=50m and for a/D=0.2, 6= 150m using the two different formulas for the angular distribution in the azimuth plane. 34 ~*4 pdf (eq(46) for a/D=0.1 b=50m — •— pdf eq(56) for a/D=0.1 i _ _ i. i _ +_ jf j. ~v f: i | -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Angle of Arrival in Azimuth Plane(degrees),b 15 Figure 11. Plot of /,* (b 15 Figure 12. Plot of /^(fo) versus b for D=1000m, a=200m and b=150m (using the two different formulas). 35 As shown Figure 1 1 and 12, the two different formulas give identical results for the angular distribution in azimuth plane. Additionally, we conclude that the higher the ratio a/D, the lower the probability for the received signals at the base station to be restricted in a small angular region centered about the axis which connects the base and the mobile stations. Finally in Figure 13 we plot the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth plane as given in equation (64) versus the ratio a/D. 60 50 - 40 ■S 30 20 10 I I i i i i i : : ; r.m.s angular spread 0 rms M M M l/i \ \ ! j/i \ ! I I i^n } ': i i ': Jn III!!!] 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 a/D Figure 13. Plot of the r.m.s angular (jw spread versus a/D. Figure 13 shows that for values up to 0.5, of the ratio a/D, the profile of the r.m.s angle spread is almost linear. Note that the r.m.s angle spread in azimuth plane is independent of b as proved with the derivation of the second formula for the p.d.f in azimuth plane. 36 B. PLOTS FOR MARGINAL AOA PDF IN ELEVATION PLANE D(m) a(m) b(m) Corresponding Figure 1000 100 1 14 1000 100 30 15 1000 100 50 16 1000 200 50 17 1000 500 50 18 Table 3. Parameters D, a, and b used in plots for marginal AOA p.d.f. in the elevation plane. Figure 14 is generated to demonstrate the angular distribution in elevation plane for small values of b. 37 800 700 600 500 S 400 300 200 100 I ] I D=1000m a=100m b=1m I I ] I I I I I I 4-3-2-101234 Angle of Arrival in Elevation Plane(degrees),fS Figure 14. Plot of fp{0) versus ft forD=1000m, a=100m and b=lm.. As we can see form the Figure 14 the angular distribution in elevation plane for small values of b looks like a dirac function as it is expected. Figure 15 and 16 are plotted for demonstration purposes, giving information of how the changes of the ratio b/D for a given 'a' affect the angular distribution in elevation plane. 38 30 25 20 S 15 10 1 1 1 1 1 D= 1000m a=100m b=30m r -i i 1 ; i 1 7 ! i ! \ ■ -3-2-1 0 1 2 Angle of Arrival in Elevation Plane(degrees),P Figure 15. Plot of fp(0) versus j3 forD=1000m, a=100m andb=30m.. Figure 15 shows the the angular distribution in elevation plane for a ratio b/D=0.03 and a/D=0.l. 16 10 S 8 II ! I | .... . i D= 1000m a=100m b=50m I I L L :-----i/---r---H----;----\ 1 L /_J J J i V :/ i i i i \: -3-2-1 0 1 2 Angle of Arrival in Elevation Plane(degrees),f3 Figure 16. Plot offp(0) versus y# forD=1000m, a=100m and b=50m. 39 Figure 16 shows the p.d.f for a ratio b/D=0.05 and a/D=0.1 As seen, compared to Figures 15 and 16, the higher the ratio b/D the lower the probability to receive multipath components from a small region /3BW at the base station. Figure 17 is generated, as set with Figure 16, in order to show the effect of the length of the semi- major axis a on the angular distribution. S 8 1 1 1 1 1 i !____! I-/ _l _ AJ — D= 1000m a=200m b=50m •4"|n"4"-i\ \ t \ : 7 1 - T 7 / -3 -2 -1-0 1 2 Angle ol Arrival in Elevation Plane(degrees),fS Figure 17. Plot of ffi(0) versus j3 forD=1000m, a=200m and b=50in meters. Figure 17 shows the p.d.f for a ratio b/D=0.05 and a/D=0.2. Comparing Figures 16 and 17, it is seen that p.d.f in elevation plane is almost independent of the length of semi- major axis of the spheroid for small values of the ratio a/D. Figure 18, is generated to show the effect of higher values of the a/D ratio on the angular distribution. 40 14 12 10 S 8 4- 1 1- J + V -A D=1000m a=500m b=50m : :/ 1 : : \: : : / \ t ■*/ 1 i t ~\ \\~ r \. 1 1 1 + -( 1 V(_ -3-2-1012 Angle of Arrival in Elevation Plane(degrees),P Figure 18. Plot of ffi{fl) versus j3 for D=1000m, a=500m, and b=50m. Comparing Figure 17 and 18, it was observed that there exists a difference between the two angular distributions. Finally in Figure 19 we plot the r.m.s angular spread of the angle of arrival in elevation plane, as given by the equation (81), versus the ratio b/D for specific values of a/D. firm=2\]fi2ffi(fi)dfi (81) The mean value of the angular distribution at the base station is zero, and the integral is evaluated numerically. 41 30 25 _20 w CD B 15 0Q. 10 I I + B fora/D=0.1 r rms 3 fora/D=0.2 rms 3_0fora/D=0.5 rms — 0 0 1 0 2 0.3 0.4 0.5 b/D Figure 19. Plot of the r.m.s angular (3,-™ spread versus b/D for various ratios a/D,for the spheroid scattering model. As shown in Figure 19, there exists a linear relation between the r.m.s angular spread and the ratio b/D independently of the ratio a/D. Eventually for validation purposes of the two derived, in this thesis, closed forms of the angular distributions, we plot in Figure 20 both p.d.f. with a almost equals to b (b is not made exactly equal to a to avoid dealing with limiting process). 42 A, , ,-. 1 1 I 1 a=100m b=99.999m pdf in elev for D= 1000m a=100m b=100m ' __ _.:x^ ! A \ , _ J _/ 1 _ i 1 : / : : : \ :__/.:_ J l L__\_J ..-X.J--i--i-4-- ..-/-J--i.-.i-X„, .-./i...J..-.L-.i....AH / : ; : : : \ / i i i : : \ Figure 20. Plot of f* (